
Welcome to Awesome Space Robotics, a curated list of awesome resources for Space Robotics!

Disclaimer: This list is a work in progress under active development.
Contributions and feedback are welcome!


The goal of this project is to provide a community-driven collection of valuable resources for students, researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts interested in space robotics. Instead of creating an exhaustive list of all available resources, our focus is on maintaining a curated list of high-quality references that remain relevant to the field. Furthermore, we strive to organize all interdisciplinary topics into a structured and easily navigable format, featuring diverse resources in the form of academic papers, books, tutorials, software tools, datasets, and more.


The breadth of interdisciplinary topics within space robotics makes it challenging for any individual to cover all aspects of the field. We are grateful to all contributors who share their expertise in helping to build this list. Contributions are encouraged and welcome from everyone, regardless of background or experience level. Here are several ways in which you can contribute:

Alternatively, you can contribute directly by submitting a Pull Request (PR).

We appreciate your support!