SimForge is a framework for creating diverse virtual environments through procedural generation.
Procedural generation is a powerful technique for creating unique scenarios with an infinite number of variations. Although the gaming industry has embraced this approach for creating diverse and realistic environments, other fields, such as robotics and space exploration, have yet to leverage its potential fully. SimForge aims to bridge this gap by providing a unified and extensible framework for generating assets and integrating them into external game engines and physics simulators.
The framework implements a modular approach with three ecosystem-agnostic concepts:
Getting Started
To get started with SimForge, please refer to:
Detailed instructions for specific components can be found in the respective sections:
Guidelines for implementing your components are available here:
Assets are the registered building blocks that range from simple images and meshes to complex articulated models. Their definitions reside in external repositories that can be shared and reused across projects.
- SimForge Foundry - Primary collection of SimForge assets
- SimForge Template - Minimal template for SimForge assets
Issue tracker: #1 Assets
Generators are responsible for automating the creation of Assets from their definitions in a deterministic manner. They interface with external tools and libraries to produce the desired output.
- SimForge/Blender - All types of assets generated and exported by Blender
Issue tracker: #2 Generators
Generator — Blender
Blender is an extensive open-source 3D creation suite. SimForge leverages Blender's generative capabilities to create a wide range of assets via BlGenerator
using its Python API (bpy
Python 3.11
For python_version=='3.11'
, is it enough to install SimForge with the bpy
# Install SimForge with bpy extra
pip install simforge[bpy]
Other Environments | --subprocess
For other environments, BlGenerator
can be run in a subprocess using the embedded Python interpreter. This requires a local Blender installation with the blender
executable in PATH
CLI: Generation in a subprocess can be achieved by
simforge gen --subprocess
All Bl*
assets are automatically registered for generation using the BlGenerator
class, which is a subclass of Generator
and provides a unified interface for generating Blender assets.
Geometry generated by Blender is specified using the BlGeometry
class, which includes a sequence of BlGeometryOp
operations that create and modify the geometry of a mesh object.
The BlGeometryOp
operations can use arbitrary bpy
calls to manipulate the mesh object. For instance, BlGeometryNodesModifier
is a subclass of BlGeometryOp
that supports Blender's Geometry Nodes, which can be loaded prior to the generation from a Python file (NodeToPython). Additional typed inputs can be defined as attributes of the operation, and they will be automatically passed as the inputs of the node group.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple
from pydantic import PositiveFloat, PositiveInt
from simforge import (
class ExampleNodes(BlGeometryNodesModifier):
nodes: BlNodesFromPython = BlNodesFromPython(
input1: PositiveInt = 42
input2: Tuple[PositiveFloat, PositiveFloat, PositiveFloat] = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
input3: BlMaterial | None = None
class ExampleGeo(BlGeometry):
ops: List[SerializeAsAny[BlGeometryOp]] = [ExampleNodes()]
Materials of Blender assets are defined using the BlMaterial
class, which includes BlShader
that specifies the appearance of the object.
The BlShader
class must utilize Shader Nodes to define the appearance of the object. Similar to BlGeometryNodesModifier
, the nodes can be loaded from a Python file (NodeToPython) and additional typed inputs can be defined as attributes of the shader.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
from pydantic import NonNegativeFloat, PositiveFloat
from simforge import BlMaterial, BlNodesFromPython, BlShader
class ExampleShader(BlShader):
nodes: BlNodesFromPython = BlNodesFromPython(
input1: PositiveFloat = 1.0
input2: Tuple[
NonNegativeFloat, NonNegativeFloat, NonNegativeFloat, NonNegativeFloat
] = (
class ExampleMat(BlMaterial):
shader: BlShader = ExampleShader()
The BlModel
class combines geo: BlGeometry
and an optional mat: BlMaterial
to define a model. Furthermore, texture_resolution
attribute specifies the resolution of the baked textures for the model.
operation can internally set the material of the object viaBlMaterial
inputs. In this case, themat
attribute can be omitted as it would otherwise override the material set by the geometry nodes modifier.
from pydantic import InstanceOf, SerializeAsAny
from simforge import BakeType, BlGeometry, BlMaterial, BlModel, TexResConfig
class ExampleModel(BlModel):
geo: SerializeAsAny[InstanceOf[BlGeometry]] = ExampleGeo()
mat: SerializeAsAny[InstanceOf[BlMaterial]] | None = ExampleMat()
texture_resolution: TexResConfig = {
BakeType.ALBEDO: 2048,
BakeType.EMISSION: 256,
BakeType.METALLIC: 256,
BakeType.NORMAL: 4096,
BakeType.ROUGHNESS: 512,
New Assets
Geometry Nodes and Shader Nodes are the preferred methods for defining new Blender-based geometry and materials because they provide a high level of flexibility via artist-friendly node-based interfaces. The nodes can be exported to Python files using NodeToPython and integrated into the SimForge asset definitions, as shown in the examples above. Furthermore, automatic randomization can be exposed by including a seed
attribute in the node group that will be automatically detected and updated by the generator.
If you are new to Blender, there is a vast number of free Blender tutorials and resources available online that can help you get started with creating your own assets. Consider creating your own Donut as the first step!
If you are somewhat familiar with Blender but never used Geometry Nodes, consider watching the Geometry Nodes Fundamentals that provides an excellent introduction to the topic.
If you are a seasoned Blender artist, then please teach us your ways! The contributors of SimForge are mostly non-artists with limited creativity, so we would greatly appreciate your help in improving and expanding the asset library.
Integrations seamlessly bridge the gap between the Generators and external frameworks such as game engines and physics simulators. These modules leverage domain-specific APIs to import and configure the generated Assets.
- SimForge/Isaac Lab - Configurable spawner for Isaac Lab
Issue tracker: #3 Integrations
Integration — Isaac Lab
Isaac Lab is a robot learning framework built on top of Isaac Sim. SimForge integrates with Isaac Lab through SimforgeAssetCfg
to configure the spawning of assets within interactive scenes.
The SimforgeAssetCfg
class is a SpawnerCfg
) subclass that streamlines the generation and spawning of SimForge assets within Isaac Lab. The primary attributes include:
: Sequence of asset types to spawnnum_assets
: The number of asset variants distributed amongassets
to generate (default:1
: The initial seed used to generate the first variant ofassets
: Use cached assets instead of generating new ones (default:True
: Randomly select variants instead of sequentially (default:False
from isaaclab import sim as sim_utils
from isaaclab.assets import AssetBaseCfg, RigidObjectCfg
from isaaclab.scene import InteractiveSceneCfg
from isaaclab.utils import configclass
from simforge import AssetRegistry
from simforge.integrations.isaaclab import SimforgeAssetCfg
from simforge_foundry import ExampleModel
class ExampleSceneCfg(InteractiveSceneCfg):
num_envs: int = 64
asset1: AssetBaseCfg = AssetBaseCfg(
asset2: RigidObjectCfg = RigidObjectCfg(
All releases of SimForge are available at PyPI and can be installed using your preferred Python package manager:
# Install SimForge with all extras
pip install simforge[all]
SimForge specifies several optional dependencies to enhance its functionality. These can be specified as extras:
- Include all other SimForge extras (recommended)assets
- Primary collection of SimForge assetsbpy
- Enable Blender generator via its Python APIcli
- Utilities for enhancing the CLI experiencedev
- Utilities for development and testing
Multiple extras can be specified at once by separating them with commas:
# Install SimForge with assets and CLI extras
pip install simforge[assets,cli]
- Docker Engine is required to use SimForge in a containerized environment.
- NVIDIA Container Toolkit is recommended to automatically utilize available NVIDIA GPUs for workloads such as texture baking.
For convenience,
script is included to setup Docker on a Linux host.
A minimal Dockerfile is provided for convenience with all
extras included. Pre-built images for every release are available on Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry for easy access:
# Docker Hub
docker pull andrejorsula/simforge
# [ALTERNATIVE] GitHub Container Registry
docker pull
For convenience, .docker/run.bash
script is included to run the Docker container with appropriate arguments, environment variables, and volumes for persistent cache storage:
# Path to a cloned repository
simforge/.docker/run.bash $TAG $CMD
# [ALTERNATIVE] Raw content via wget
WITH_DEV_VOLUME=false bash -c "$(wget -qO -" -- $TAG $CMD
# [ALTERNATIVE] Raw content via curl
WITH_DEV_VOLUME=false bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- $TAG $CMD
Usage of SimForge
SimForge can be used in two primary ways:
- Command Line Interface (CLI) - Offline generation and management of assets
- Integrations - Online generation and application-specific configuration of assets
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The simforge
CLI is the most straightforward way to get started with SimForge. It allows you to generate and export assets directly from the command line without needing to write any code. You can then use the generated assets in your application by importing them as needed. Furthermore, the CLI provides a convenient way to list and manage the available assets.
The CLI should be used as a starting point. It supports exporting assets in a variety of formats that are compatible with most external applications — even if a direct integration with SimForge is not yet available.
Integrations offer a more streamlined experience for using SimForge within a specific game engine or physics simulator. These modules provide APIs that automate the on-demand process of generating, caching and importing assets into external frameworks while abstracting away the underlying complexity.
Integrations are the recommended way to use SimForge for specific applications in the long term, as they provide a more ergonomic and efficient workflow. However, they may require additional setup and configuration to get started.
The number of available integrations is currently limited but expected to grow over time as the framework matures. Contributions are always welcome!
Command Line Interface (CLI)
After installing SimForge, the CLI can be accessed via the following commands:
# Run as package entrypoint
python3 -m simforge
# Run via installed command
The CLI provides a number of subcommands that leverage the underlying SimForge API. Each subcommand has its own set of options and arguments that can be accessed via the -h
or --help
simforge gen
Generate variants of registered assets based on the provided arguments (simforge gen -h
Generate a single variant of a registered asset named "model1"
(exported to ~/.cache/simforge
simforge gen model1
Generate -n 2
variants, starting at random seed -s 100
, of an asset named "geo1"
simforge gen -n 2 -s 100 geo1
Generate -n 3
variants for two different assets named "geo1"
and "model2"
(3 each) while exporting them to a file format with the extension -e stl
simforge gen -n 3 geo1 model2 -e stl
Generate -n 5
variants of an asset named "geo2"
in a custom output directory -o custom/cache
simforge gen -n 5 geo2 -o custom/cache
Use a --subprocess
to generate -n 8
variants of "model1"
simforge gen -n 8 --subprocess model1
Running in a subprocess is especially useful if the generator is non-compatible with the current environment. For example, Blender requires a specific version of Python that might differ from the system's default. The
flag thus allows the generator to run in a separate process with the embedded Python interpreter of the locally-installed Blender application.
simforge ls
List all registered assets in a tabular format.
❯ simforge ls
SimForge Asset Registry
┃ # ┃ Type ┃ Package ┃ Name ┃ Semantics ┃ Cached ┃
│ 1 │ geometry │ package1 │ geo1 │ │ │
│ 2 │ geometry │ package1 │ geo2 │ │ │
│ 3 │ material │ package2 │ mat1 │ │ │
│ 4 │ material │ package3 │ mat2 │ │ │
│ 5 │ model │ package1 │ model1 │ │ │
│ 6 │ model │ package3 │ model2 │ │ │
Note: This subcommand requires the
package to be installed (included in thecli
simforge clean
Remove all generated assets that are cached on the system.
❯ simforge clean
[HH:MM:SS] WARNING This will remove all SimForge assets cached on your system under /home/USER/.cache/simforge (X.YZ GB)
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n] (n):
New Assets
SimForge Assets are always registered with a specific Generator that is responsible for creating them. This means that you first need to select one of the available generators before you define new assets. Each generator leverages a different set of tools and libraries to create assets, so the process of creating and defining assets will vary depending on your choice. Please refer to the generator documentation you intend to use for more information on how to create new assets.
In case you want to create assets with an external tool or library that does not have a SimForge generator yet, consider visiting the New Generator guide to learn how to implement one.
New Generators
Implementing a new Generator is an involved process that requires inheriting from the core SimForge classes and implementing the necessary methods. Once you know which external tool or library you want to leverage, you can start by creating a new Python module and defining the following classes:
Generation [required]:
- Class that exports generated model assetsExGenerator(Generator)
- The main class that handles the generation of assets
Generation [optional]:
- Class that bakes textures for the generated assets
Assets [standard]:
- Class for geometry assetsExMaterial(Material)
- Class for material assetsExModel(Model)
- Class for model assets
Assets [extra]:
- Class for image assetsExArticulation(Articulation)
- Class for articulation assets
First, make sure to read the documentation of the external tool or library you want to integrate with SimForge. This will help you understand the API and any limitations or constraints that you need to consider. Then, take a look at the existing generators in the SimForge codebase to get an idea of how you could structure your generator.
from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Mapping, Tuple
from simforge import (
from simforge._typing import ExporterConfig
class ExModelExporter(ModelExporter):
def export(self, filepath: Path | str, **kwargs) -> Path:
raise NotImplementedError
class ExBaker(Baker):
def setup(self):
def bake(self, texture_resolution: int | Dict[BakeType, int]):
if self.enabled:
raise NotImplementedError
def cleanup(self):
class ExGenerator(Generator):
EXPORTERS: ClassVar[ExporterConfig] = ExModelExporter()
BAKER: ClassVar[ExBaker] = ExBaker()
def _setup_articulation(
asset: ExArticulation,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return kwargs
def _generate_articulation(
asset: ExArticulation,
seed: int,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError
def _export_articulation(
asset: ExArticulation,
seed: int,
export_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
) -> Tuple[Path, Dict[str, Any]]:
return self.__export(asset=asset, seed=seed, **export_kwargs), generate_kwargs
def _cleanup_articulation(
asset: ExArticulation,
def _setup_geometry(
asset: ExGeometry,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return kwargs
def _generate_geometry(
asset: ExGeometry,
seed: int,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError
def _export_geometry(
asset: ExGeometry,
seed: int,
export_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
) -> Tuple[Path, Dict[str, Any]]:
return self.__export(asset=asset, seed=seed, **export_kwargs), generate_kwargs
def _cleanup_geometry(
asset: ExGeometry,
def _setup_image(
asset: ExImage,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return kwargs
def _generate_image(
asset: ExImage,
seed: int,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError
def _export_image(
asset: ExImage,
seed: int,
export_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
) -> Tuple[Path, Dict[str, Any]]:
return self.__export(asset=asset, seed=seed, **export_kwargs), generate_kwargs
def _cleanup_image(
asset: ExImage,
def _setup_material(
asset: ExMaterial,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return kwargs
def _generate_material(
asset: ExMaterial,
seed: int,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError
def _export_material(
asset: ExMaterial,
seed: int,
export_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
) -> Tuple[Path, Dict[str, Any]]:
return self.__export(asset=asset, seed=seed, **export_kwargs), generate_kwargs
def _cleanup_material(
asset: ExMaterial,
def _setup_model(
asset: ExModel,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return kwargs
def _generate_model(
asset: ExModel,
seed: int,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
raise NotImplementedError
def _export_model(
asset: ExModel,
seed: int,
export_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = {},
) -> Tuple[Path, Dict[str, Any]]:
return self.__export(asset=asset, seed=seed, **export_kwargs), generate_kwargs
def _cleanup_model(
asset: ExModel,
class ExArticulation(Articulation, asset_metaclass=True, asset_generator=ExGenerator):
def setup(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def cleanup(self):
def seed(self, seed: int):
class ExGeometry(Geometry, asset_metaclass=True, asset_generator=ExGenerator):
def setup(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def cleanup(self):
def seed(self, seed: int):
class ExImage(Image, asset_metaclass=True, asset_generator=ExGenerator):
def setup(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def cleanup(self):
def seed(self, seed: int):
class ExMaterial(Material, asset_metaclass=True, asset_generator=ExGenerator):
def setup(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def cleanup(self):
def seed(self, seed: int):
class ExModel(Model, asset_metaclass=True, asset_generator=ExGenerator):
def setup(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def cleanup(self):
def seed(self, seed: int):
If you have any questions regarding a specific generator, feel free to open a new issue.
New Integrations
Supporting a new external framework via SimForge Integration does not follow a strict pattern, as it depends on the specific requirements of that framework. Before getting started, make sure to read its documentation to understand its API and any limitations or constraints. Then, take a look at the existing integrations in the SimForge codebase to get an idea of how to structure your integration.
In a nutshell, the integration should consume any Asset definition and generate/export the requested number of asset variants to an intermediate file format supported by the external framework. Then, it should spawn the assets in the framework and optionally configure them based on the metadata provided by the generator. The integration can either be implemented as a Python function or a class, depending on the desired ergonomics.
If the framework requires a specific environment that is not compatible with the generator, consider generating the assets in a subprocess via Generator.generate_subprocess()
instead of Generator.generate()
. This way, the generator can run in a separate process with the required environment, and the integration can spawn the assets in the framework without any compatibility issues.
from simforge import Asset
def spawn_simforge_asset(
asset: Asset,
num_assets: int = 1,
seed: int = 0,
subprocess: bool = False,
# Select an intermediate model format supported by the framework
FILE_FORMAT: ModelFileFormat = ...
# Instantiate the generator associated with the asset
generator = asset.generator_type(
# Generate the assets
if subprocess:
generator_output = generator.generate_subprocess(asset)
generator_output = generator.generate(asset)
# Iterate over the generator output
for filepath, metadata in generator_output:
# TODO: Spawn the asset from filepath
# TODO: Configure the asset from metadata
If you have any questions regarding a specific integration, feel free to open a new issue.
Dev Container
SimForge includes a Dev Container configuration under .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
that you can customize for your development needs.
VS Code
Alongside the configuration, .devcontainer/open.bash
script is provided to streamline the process of building and opening the repository as a Dev Container in Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
# Path to a cloned repository