Benchmark Configuration

Environment Configuration

The environments can be configured in two ways:

  1. Modifying the env.yaml file.
  2. Using environment variables.

The default configuration file contains various settings that control the seed, scenario, level of detail, and options for assets (robot, object, terrain, vehicle).

seed: 42 # SRB_SEED [int]
scenario: mars # SRB_SCENARIO [mars, moon, orbit]
detail: 0.5 # SRB_DETAIL [float]
    variant: dataset # SRB_ASSETS_ROBOT_VARIANT [dataset]
    variant: procedural # SRB_ASSETS_OBJECT_VARIANT [primitive, dataset, procedural]
    variant: procedural # SRB_ASSETS_TERRAIN_VARIANT [none, primitive, dataset, procedural]
    variant: dataset # SRB_ASSETS_VEHICLE_VARIANT [none, dataset]

Setting Configuration via Environment Variables

Values from the configuration file can be overridden using environment variables. Furthermore, you can directly pass them into the .docker/run.bash script. For instance:

.docker/run.bash -e SRB_DETAIL=1.0 -e SRB_SCENARIO=moon ...

CLI Arguments

The following arguments are common across all entrypoint scripts, e.g., and

  • -h, --help: Display the help message and exit.
  • -t TASK, --task TASK, -e ENV, --env ENV, --demo DEMO: Specify the name of the environment (task/demo). You can list available tasks using
  • --num_envs NUM_ENVS: Number of parallel environments to simulate.
  • --disable_ui: Disable the majority of the Isaac Sim UI.
  • --headless: Force the display to remain off, making the simulation headless.
  • --device DEVICE: Set the device for simulation (e.g., "cpu", "cuda", or "cuda:N" where N is the device ID).

Additional Environment Variables

  • SRB_SKIP_REGISTRATION (default: false): When set to "true"|1, automatic registering of environments with the Gymnasium registry is disabled. This can be useful in specific deployment or testing scenarios.
  • SRB_UPDATE_EXTENSION_MODULE (default: false): When set to "true"|1, the Rust extension module will be automatically recompiled on startup of Python entrypoint scripts. By default, this ensures that the extension module is always up-to-date with the source code. Skipping this step can be useful when the extension module never changes to reduce startup time slightly.
  • SRB_WITH_TRACEBACK (default: false): When set to "true"|1, rich traceback information is displayed for exceptions. This can be useful for debugging.
    • SRB_WITH_TRACEBACK_LOCALS (default: false): When set to "true"|1 and SRB_WITH_TRACEBACK is enabled, local variables are included in the traceback information. This can be useful for debugging, but it can also be overwhelming in some cases.