
All modifications to the listed assets, unless stated otherwise, involve non-destructive transformations, mesh simplification, conversion to the Universal Scene Description (USD) format, rigging, and application of USD APIs for integration purposes.

  1. Mars Perseverance Rover, 3D Model by NASA.
  2. Mars Ingenuity Helicopter, 3D Model by NASA.
  3. Mars 2020 Sample Tube, 3D Model by NASA. This mesh was modified to include a cap, and additional materials were added.
  4. Gateway Core, 3D Model by NASA. The model was separated into individual assets: Canadarm3 (small and large) and the Gateway Core itself.
  5. Low Lunar Orbit, HDR Image by NASA. This image was rotated by 90 degrees to better align with the implemented environment.
  6. Lunar Rover from the Movie Moon, 3D Model by Watndit, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution. The original model was heavily remodeled and retextured, with significant parts of the geometry removed. The wheels were replaced with a model from NASA's Curiosity Rover, 3D Model.