Hardware Platforms

Open Source

  • ExoMy - Open source build-it-yourself rover developed by ESA. It is inspired by the ExoMars rover and designed to be a low-cost platform for educational purposes. ExoMy features Ackermann steering and can be controlled via ROS using an onboard Raspberry Pi.
  • JPL Open Source Rover - Open source build-it-yourself rover developed by JPL. It is based on the deployed Mars rovers and designed to be an affordable platform for education and research. The rover can be controlled via ROS using an onboard Raspberry Pi.


  • Astrobee - Free-flying robotic system developed by NASA to assist astronauts inside the ISS. Three Astrobees were launched to the ISS in 2019, each equipped with cameras, sensors, and a perching arm. The software stack is open source and built using ROS and Gazebo.
  • Robonaut2 (R2) - Humanoid robot developed by NASA to assist astronauts onboard the ISS. R2 was launched in 2011 as the first humanoid robot in space and has since been used in various experiments on simple manipulation tasks.
